A party standing in front of loot in a cavern
How to handle loot sharing in your party

Rewarding your players with nice shiny loot is always a good motivation for them to do a side quest or progress further in the story. But it can also lead to some disagreements on how the loot should be divided. You may have the one player that tries to get…

by Tiny Furniture
How does good quest design work?

Quests are an elemental part of a good RPG campaign. They'll provide your players with a goal. It will give them something that will lead them towards a certain direction. They often keep the group together, by representing a common objective for the characters. Our job as GMs is to…

How to encourage more role play from your players

1. Enjoy the silence Many GMs know this situation: you described the environment your players find themselves at, they checked out a few details - and then complete silence. The table stares you in the eye, expecting you to do something. Many GMs dislike this situation and overtake the storytelling…

  • 20 January 2023
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Welcome to GM in a jar!

Hi folks, this is the first post and I wanted to give you a warm welcome on GM in a jar! I intend to use this website to share some of my experiences with the great hobby of tabletop RPGs and being a gamemaster. On this website you'll get resources,…